旧richardkoshimizu's blog


<<   作成日時 : 2013/06/29 07:40   >>

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タイトル (本文) ブログ名/日時
内 容 ニックネーム/日時

The tremendous discovery here is that the incredibly enthusiastic researcher,around the world, have spent their concentration on this picture which is announced from Nasa, here you could identify a ground squirrel, a lizard, a bird , even more, a helmet, a bowl of riceowl of rice, an artifact of the bolt-like one.

2013/06/29 08:20

2013/06/29 08:54
心情党員8x さん、ナイス !
半分まで行った、2010.11.20 京都、世ゴロ協、の続きをやりませう。
The World Gang Association
2013/06/29 09:05
> 心情党員8xKzyg6 さん@2013/06/29 08:20
> ウドの大木 さん@2013/06/29 09:05



2013/06/29 10:18
According to the pic above, the very ordinal creature is alive on the mars,
and the ancient civilization used to be there... However, the Nasa official
never answers to thsese questions, just keeping silence. Why..?

The answer is obvious. USA have never been to Mars. The Mars probe is all fake.
Perhaps We could guess the fake Mars probe is performed at the Irinoi desert ofUS. As a matter of course, The Lunar surface exploration by the Apolo project
was fake as well. Man never been to moon.
2013/06/29 10:31
"ohmyGod!kill NASA!!!"手に持ってたビックマックを床にたたきつけ
2013/06/29 10:45
Captain Louis Armstrong made his
'great one step of mankind', just around Hollywood studio with his staff.

Historically, The US has been controlled by the fraud experts of tremendous liarbehind them. The nation is private materialized by the Hidden Jewish financial capital,which is reigned by David Rockefeller. They have been decieving our worldfor all the time. You might not to believe this, however, this is the truth. Please open your eyes, leave the ordinal common sense bihind you for a while, and try to find the truth by yourself.
2013/06/29 11:53
911 : The inside job which is to escape fromthe responsibility of financial corruption. The WTC was exploded by the small nuke. More than 800 people have
already been dead by cancer, The broad casting media which Jew controlled never say a word about it. The conflicts in Iraq, The invasion of Afganistan, each is
to monopolize Oil and Drag market.

311 : The nuke was ekploded at the deep sea of Pacific Ocean locating Touhoku,
which cases crack on the crust, subsequently, the water was penetrated to the
crust. It caused the Hydrogen fusion by High fever & pressure. Finally, that extreme energy broke the Artifitial earthquake and artifitial tsunami--
2013/06/29 12:35
"It's a question of radiation," says Frank Cucinotta of NASA's Space Radiation Health Project at the Johnson Space Center. "We know how much radiation is out there, waiting for us between Earth and Mars, but we're not sure how the human body is going to react to it."
2013/06/29 12:55
911 : The inside job which is to escape fromthe responsibility of financial corruption. The WTC was exploded by the small nuke. More than 800 people have

already been dead by cancer, The broad casting media which Jew controlled never say a word about it. The conflicts in Iraq, The invasion of Afganistan, each is to monopolize Oil and Drag market.
2013/06/29 16:52
311 : The nuke was exploded at the deep sea of Pacific Ocean locating Touhoku,
which cases crack on the crust, subsequently, the water was penetrated to the
crust. It caused the Hydrogen fusion by High fever & pressure. Finally, that extreme energy broke the Artifitial earthquake and artifitial tsunami-- At 1944,there was a public letter of US which announce the achievement of exeriment to
break the artifitial tsunami by nuke. in fact, At December 1944, The US forces
succeeded to break the South-east sea artifitial earthquake, and It brought a
destruction on the military aircraft industry.The purpose of the 311 is to make
destruction on the JP market and banking.
2013/06/29 16:53
Nowadays, the economy of the US & EU
is spoiled, and if the JP market is the only one to be steady, all the world
money would have been spent to the JP market. If so, it means the downfall of
the US dollar. It is so to speak, dollar-protecting artifitial earthquake, it
slaughtered the 10s of thousands ofJapanese.
2013/06/29 16:53
2013/06/29 12:35
11行目⇒×:ekploded ○:exploded      
13行目⇒×:cases  ○:causes

2013/06/30 07:51
× a bowl of riceowl of rice
○  bowl of rice
2013/06/30 08:53
2013/06/29 16:53
9行目 announce  announcesかなぁ
2013/06/30 08:57
2013/06/29 16:53
11行目  in fact, ⇒ In fact,

最後の2013/06/29 16:53 下から2行目
ofJapane ⇒ of Japanese (innocent people とか入れた方が感情伝わるかも)
2013/06/30 09:05
2013/06/30 10:23
Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway of Aum:
The hostility between America and Noth Korea has
been disguised by Jews.
The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity,a religious organization, which has got dense connection with the CIA, takes a role of bridging between them.
Their goal is, that the North Korea invade the Korean Peninsula, and finally breaking the conflict on the far east, which triggers the War economy. That is believed to be the Gospel of the salvation from the bankrruption of US
finance. The Aum was North Korean Force actually, the CIA has much control on their background.
2013/06/30 18:59
It is necessary to intercept the counterattack of U.S. military in Japan ,in advance, to complete the unification of Korean Peninsula by North Korea. The CIA performs terrorism, disguising as Aum's crime, making deterrence on the U.S. military in Japan, which makes it possible to occupy the Peninsula permanently. And it promises the Resurrection of invincible Garrison state USA, they are stil dreaming this, alas.
2013/06/30 22:26
続き 2重投稿してたらすみません。

It is necessary to intercept the counterattack of U.S. military in Japan ,in advance, to complete the unification of Korean Peninsula by North Korea. The CIA performs terrorism, disguising as Aum's crime, making
deterrence on the U.S. military in Japan, which makes it possible to occupy the
Peninsula permanently. And it promises the Resurrection of invincible Garrison state USA, they are stil dreaming this, alas.

2013/06/30 22:51

Election fraud of Dec 16th: It is much obviously threatening for Jewish USA thatJapan ,China, and Korea organizes the economical unification, which might be themost influencial in the world. Thus, to prevent that unification, the US has
been trying to destroy the relationship between Japan-China, Japan-korea,and US does desire Japan to be a militarized nation. So the Jew's puppet Abe-administration is dwelling on the amendment of the Article9 96 & 9of the Constitution.
2013/06/30 22:52
And, the true purpose of TPP is to take over the Japan. The Hidden Jew
controlled US government blame the Japan's politics that blaming of
unprofitability for their market. Further more,the Several hundred trillion of Assets, Postal saving, Postal life insurance, pension, JA's one are targeted to be looted by the US companies under the slogan of a liberalization.
2013/07/01 21:29
To complete these ambition, they have performed the decisive action of election fraud. The local bureaucracies were mobilized to perfome that.The command that
they might have been recieved from the Hidden Jew like follows, 'After performing the Abe administration, we will disguise the rapid promoting High Stock
market, you have to get the piggybacking profit, which covers the (secret) operation loss of Lehman Shock, and immoral local bureaucracies are Unanimously
cooperated to the fraud. The Peoples life party must have been won the election,which gets to 100 of parliament seats, without fraud. There were no reasonns,
that LDP gets such huge numbers of seats.
2013/07/02 22:26
The real concern of the voters must have been just against, the consumption tax and nuclearpower plant, however, the result of the election told us the opposite story, the election winners are, almost all agree with the Constitutional amendment, and TPP.
The broadcasting media is also under the controll of the Jew capital through the Dentsu in Shiodome, They are always negative reporting repeatedly to excludethose who against them, like Ichiro Ozawa. And they disguises that the 70% of
people are supporting the Abe administration.
2013/07/03 21:49